Have your aesthetic crown-lengthening surgery done by a dental expert

Aesthetic Crown-lengthening Surgery

Aesthetic crown-lengthening surgery involves reshaping the gum line and bone around the teeth to expose more of the tooth's surface, enhancing the appearance of the smile by creating a more balanced look.

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Aesthetic crown-lengthening surgery is a cosmetic dental procedure designed to improve the appearance of your smile by reshaping the gum line to expose more of the tooth or teeth, creating a more proportionate and visually appealing smile.

Ideal for individuals with a “gummy” smile or short teeth, this surgery not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of the smile but can also improve oral health by making teeth easier to clean.

Dr. Ahmed Farid, with his specialized expertise in cosmetic dental procedures, ensures patients achieve their desired outcomes with precision and care.

Understanding the Procedure

Crown-lengthening involves the careful removal of gum tissue, and in some cases, bone from around the teeth to expose more of the tooth’s surface.

The procedure can be performed on a single tooth, several teeth, or the entire gum line, depending on the patient’s aesthetic goals.

Key Steps in the Process

  1. Initial Consultation: Dr. Farid evaluates your oral health, discusses your aesthetic goals, and develops a personalized treatment plan.
  2. Surgical Procedure: Under local anesthesia, excess gum and bone tissue are reshaped to expose more of the teeth.
  3. Recovery and Healing: Recovery time varies, with most patients experiencing mild discomfort that can be managed with over-the-counter pain medication. Dr. Farid provides detailed aftercare instructions to ensure a smooth healing process.

Benefits of Aesthetic Crown-Lengthening

  • Improved Smile Aesthetics: By exposing more of the tooth, the smile appears more balanced and aesthetically pleasing.
  • Enhanced Gum Health: Removing excess gum tissue can help reduce periodontal pockets and the risk of gum disease.
  • Increased Confidence: Patients often report a boost in self-esteem and confidence in their smile after the procedure.

What to Expect During Recovery

The recovery period for aesthetic crown-lengthening surgery is typically brief, with most patients able to return to normal activities within a week.

Dr. Farid closely monitors the healing process through follow-up visits, ensuring the best possible outcome.


Aesthetic crown-lengthening surgery offers a transformative solution for individuals looking to enhance the beauty of their smile.

With Dr. Ahmed Farid’s expertise, patients can expect meticulous care and personalized treatment plans tailored to meet their aesthetic objectives.

For more information about aesthetic crown-lengthening surgery, schedule a consultation with Dr. Ahmed Farid.