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Get a Sparkling New Smile and Face the World With Confidence

Your teeth plundering your confidence? It's time to book a consultation with me, Dr. Ahmed Farid. I'm an expert periodontist and dental implant surgeon with a solid track record and many happy clients. Book a consultation today.

You CAN Have a GREAT Smile

If you’re struggling with teeth that leave you embarrassed, causing you to avoid smiling, or to keep quiet in the presence of others, there’s good news: you can change it!

I’m Dr. Ahmed Farid (DMD, M.Sc. (Perio), FRCD(C)), and I’m here to tell you that you can have the perfect smile.

But why is this important?

Let’s talk business.

Say you’re an integral part of your company’s public-facing side.

You deal with prospects and clients all day, every day, and if you fail, the company fails.

But your smile just isn’t as nice as you know it can be.

You might be struggling with misaligned teeth, or yellowing teeth, or broken or rotting teeth.

Your problem is pounding your confidence into the ground and trampling it to pieces.

Let’s make it more personal.

Maybe you’re yearning for a life-partner, but you find it hard to communicate with the opposite sex because your smile makes you feel inadequate.

You know what’s one of the best ways to be liked by someone else? Show them you like them by enjoying their sense of humor.

But how can you enjoy someone else’s sense of humor when you’re too ashamed to even grin at something they’ve said, never mind LOL?

It’s essential to ensure you have the best smile you can have.

That’s where I come in.

With my expertise, I can guarantee that you’ll give the world a dazzling smile.

Not only will it make you look great, it’ll give you the confidence you need to live and enjoy life to the fullest.

View the dental solutions I offer, and book a consultation today. You won’t regret it.